Part 11: Rescue Zelenin

Back again on the Red Sprite means we're back to talk with everyone.

Well, it took long enough but we finally have enough things to make stuff in the lab! Maybe there'll be something legitimately worthwhile in this batch.

We'll move onto the deck and out into Bootes again shortly, but first we have some new things to look over and maybe buy.

The Alabaster is a nice upgrade to our gun. It's not the most powerful one available nor does it technically have the best skills (that's the ??? one above it), but it can hit things twice and Wind is a good element to have easy access to.
As an added bonus, all it needs is a single Night Tail (Lilim) and Brute Fishbone (Azumi) and both can be theoretically acquired during, or even before finishing, the Signal Beacon mission at the very beginning.

In terms of armor, the Gold Vest is technically the best thing we can get right now. It's 2 points of defense over the Dark Vest and grants two resistances for only one weakness which is not exactly a common trade-off right now. Ice is a bad thing to be weak to though.
Not like it's hard to make, at least; 3 Haunt Balls (Preta) and 1 Fairy Pouch (Goblin) takes no time at all, though it does require going into the Palace to make so it's not a first entry thing.

Personally, I vastly prefer the Dark Vest in basically every single way mind. It's weakness to Elec isn't as big a deal, it grants immunity to Curse so Hitonari cannot be instantly killed* and it only requires 1 Wilder Fur (Jueyuang) and 1 Beast Hoof (Katakirauwa)? Sure it's 2 whole points of defense below the Gold Vest but it's kind of better period.

Available accessories are still thoroughly "eh". Rather than being a flat increase to HP or MP, though, they increase a single stat by 2! And this is how you can tell that Strength, not Agility, is what affects Gun damage by the way. Note that the Brawn Ring increases both Sword and Gun Attack.
Still not particularly inclined to bother with any of these things, though!

Items are mostly just new recovery stuff. Me Patra Stone is full party version of Patra Stone which would've been nicer earlier but whatever. Dis-Charm and Dis-Strain cure Charm and Strain respectively. What's Strain? MP Poison, basically. Very low worry, honestly.
Oh and we can start to get actual attack items now too. These actually use your MC's Magic stat which is a rarity and makes stocking up on them for Magic type Demonica a probably good idea. Mabufu Stones require Fairy Ice from Jack Frost, naturally; Maragi Stones require being on the higher Palace floors, so you can get them from that small area outside Mitra's room if you want.

Lastly! Remember what I said before about SJ constantly showering you with money? Yeah, it's from the Forma. They sell for a surprisingly decent amount considering how absurdly common they are and how many you will inevitably get.
I wouldn't sell most of these though. Not as a "just in case" thing, but because you can get ones that sell for at minimum 10x their value. And are guaranteed. And repeatable. Forever.

Anyway, getting ahead of myself there. We'll deal with that later. For now, we gotta speak to Blair.

Nothing left on the ship, so it's out to Bootes we return!

> The strike force disappeared into the field...

So, there's not much to do in Bootes right now. There's nothing new or different around the outside area, so we'll just skip to the palace.

So, this isn't just random flavour text or anything.

Macabre isn't here anymore, and he's not the only one that's missing. In fact, for the next long while random encounters inside the Palace are disabled entirely!

So we'll just skip all the way up to the 3rd floor. The invisible man from before isn't around any more either, so we can continue on up in peace.

To the immediate left of the door, on the way in, we can find a Muscle Drink for free. This restores HP by what I would hope is a probably okay amount but it also inflicts a random ailment so I've never used it.

There's nothing else over there, so we'll continue further on in. We didn't see an elevator on the 2nd floor, but there's one here. When we get it working, it'll make a nice shortcut to skip parts of the palace. For now, we can't do anything with it, so forward we go.

It doesn't take long to come to a door next to some damage tiles. We're thorough, so I'll remember the door and continue on further past the dama--

It just leads to a dead-end that doesn't even have a fixed Forma spawn. Door it is then.

The vast majority of the 3rd floor here is a giant linear corridor without much variation. Things like the pit at the start are the exception here, it seems. Following a long stretch of nothing past the door, we can grab a Bead Chain which is still a 100% HP heal to the whole party; everyone fielded in combat or everyone period out of combat.

Immediately after that, we have the stairs up. Absolutely no point at all in waiting around here so up we go!

There's an immediate Terminal and we can see stuff to our left, huh? Looks like we've made it to the weird not-jail cells we were in before.

Also there's a dead crew member next to the Terminal. That's something I guess? This dead guy we don't need to remember is here though.

Continue along the corridor, making sidesteps because why not, until we come to the door here.

> Something enveloped you!

Ah, this again.

You will noooooooot be forgiven! You will noooooooot be forgiven!
You will faaaaaaace a horrible deeeeeath!
Noooooow! Experiment tiiiiiiime!

We could wait around here, but we'd be unable to do much of anything. It's also really boring. There's no invisible timer here that makes a thing happen once enough time has passed.

Instead, in each corner of the room there is a dead body. We'll examine them all.

Our conclusion is that humans need something called "oxygen."
But when you think about it... he's been reborn into a form that can no longer lie.
We did a good thing! Look what a good thing we demons did!

Our conclusion is that humans need something called "blood."
But when you think about it... he's been reborn into a form that can no longer grow impatient.
We did a good thing! Look what a good thing we demons did!

Our conclusion is that humans need something called a "brain."
But when you think about it... he's been reborn into a form that can no longer feel anxiety.
We did a good thing! Look what a good thing we demons did!

Our conclusion is that humans have weak stomachs.
But when you think about it... he's been reborn into a form that can never complain again.
We did a good thing! Look what a good thing we demons did!
Only thing of note placement-wise is that by being in the corners, that last one prevents us from leaving the room at all. We don't have the Unlock required to open the normal door and we have to examine the body in the bottom-right corner. It's not a toggleable option, so we have no choice.
Anyway, let's return to the center of the room now.

Today's theme is... "Can humans live like us?"
What will happen when we strip them of their weird clothes!?
Master Mitra is very eager to find out!
Now, human: presenting our lab!

Hey Norris! We found Norris! It looks like the quest is going well!

> The missing crewman, Norris, is standing in front of you.
Noooooooooow! Let the experiment... beeeeeegin!
> Norris was stripped of his Demonica!

> Norris is letting out a silent scream.
So at this point we can just sit back and watch whatever happens here. Or we can not be dicks and actually try to save Norris. A difficult decision for sure.
Let's not be a dickhead, yeah?
Don't get in our way!
> You were thrown back!

Unfortunately, the not-dick route is immediately punished with flat damage. Fortunately, it's not that much and doesn't matter too much!
You will not disrupt our great experiment!
Now, devilish gentlemen... If we leave him be, this human will soon stop moving! But, but, but!

What will happen!? What will happen!?
> Crewman Norris was doused with something!

Oh no, Norris! You got some green on you!
...No, no, no! This isn't it! This isn't it! This isn't what Master Mitra wants at all!

> Norris attacked you!

So, Norris is... well, he's really, really easy. His damage output isn't particularly threatening, he can't do much else other than "hit you" and his one point of interest is that he has no weaknesses.
Other than being weak in general.

Attack-wise, he has a decentish variation of physical stuff I guess? Rampage is probably the most dangerous purely because it's kinda random.

Stun Claw is fairly interesting, and is the only thing he has that does something other than damage. It does deal fairly okay damage and has a 35% chance to Paralyse.

Giant Slice is light damage on everyone. It also happens to be the weakest Physical skill in the game. 2nd place isn't much stronger, but everything else is leagues ahead. Good job, Norris.

That's about it. Norris doesn't last long, has relatively little health (around 650) and doesn't even give you any Macca when you're done. Poor EXP as well.

...Hm? Hmmmmmmm? This... What is this?
A rare forma probably. It dropped from a miniboss (pffffft) after all!
This is an unexpected result! I must give it to Master Mitra! Something unexpected has come out of this!

> The demon left...
Hey what no! That's mine! Get back here!
> You checked the Demonica certification number.

I'm pretty sure we knew that without checking the Demonica number. Call it a hunch.

Not much we can do in here, so we'll head on over to the adjacent room. There's nowhere else to go after all.

> You told Zelenin what you saw.

We've already been everywhere in both rooms. There aren't any new hidden doors to find, but when looking to make sure we'll find something new in the bottom-right corner.

Zelenin had a new cellmate and she never told us!

Completely real talk here, Mastema is awesome.

We just have to walk around the room to this corner. That's it. Moving on!

> Mastema put his hand on the floor.

> Mastema stuck his hand through the floor...!

I love all the pomp and circumstance around this undercut by the immediate mental image of Mastema just digging like a dog.

We could sit around here and do nothing. Let's jump into the hole instead to actually get to do things.

> You don't see Mastema...
Still don't have any random encounters, and...

We have a small area in which we just drop into a hole to keep hitting the next floor down.

The 2nd floor's all of one step, yet again, before we hit the hole.

On the first floor, we run back into Mastema. And we're dropped very close to the Heal Spot.

Alright, back to business as usual. Gotta move over the damage tiles to get anywhere, but we have cheap healing right there so it works out.
Anyway, for no reason at all I'm taking a random Melchom and fusing it with an Apsaras to make a Shiisaa. Adding Angel to give it Media and Hama, but mainly after the War Cry since it reduces enemy attack by 2 stages and has no downsides.

Once we get back into the entrance hall...

Okay, so Macabre is harder than Norris. For whatever that matters. He's also just a regular, normal Macabre (spoilers I guess), with boss fight immunities. So his normal weakness to Expel is an immunity here. Boring.

Since this game doesn't have Makakaja/Makanda, Taru-affecting spells increase/decrease all types of damage. It doesn't help with ID stuff like Hama/Mudo of course.

Being a normal Macabre with More HP (~775), his moveset isn't even as varied as Norris' was. I know, it's amazing. He'll normally do either a basic hit, cast Mudo or use Blight.
Blight is the only interesting one, being a Moderate Phys skill that hits everyone and has a 60% chance to inflict Poison.

Oh and, you might think you could skip this by going up to 2F and warping out. You'll trigger it in the room where the stairs heading up are instead.

Still no random encounters inside the Palace, and nothing else to do here. We could walk back to the Red Sprite but there's a terminal right here so...

Enemy Search is a fun little thing that I really like in theory.

Basically, now along with Forma there will be random demons visible on the map. Sort of like FOEs in Etrian Odyssey but you only fight them if you want to, and they're never in fixed locations. They can spawn in the same spots as random Forma, and it's completely random what you encounter and when. It draws from a pool based on the Sector, what Enemy Search function you have and nothing else.